Credit cards are a terrific invention that can be of great benefit to people who are struggling financially or who are in the midst of an emergency. Banks and financial institutions in the United Arab Emirates have to document and evaluate the income of anyone who applies for a credit card before they can issue one. This process requires applicants to submit a number of documents in order to prove their income, such as bank…
All credit cards, including those issued in the United Arab Emirates, come with a credit limit, which is the maximum amount that can be made use of by the cardholder. In addition to paying bills and making purchases, credit cards can also be used by the cardholder to withdraw physical money. This facility of credit cards is referred to as a cash advance. Credit cards can be used in a similar manner as other cards issued…
A negative balance showing on your credit card means that you are actually owed money by your credit card company in the United Arab Emirates. This is often described in terms of the customer having paid an amount that was actually in excess of the total amount payable on their credit card. The great majority of credit card firms in the UAE do not encourage customers to pay over the outstanding payable amount on their…
A strong set of results has been announced by Emirates NBD in the United Arab Emirates, with a 43% year-on-year rise in net profit last year to a total of Dh14.5bn. On Monday, the bank issued a press statement that revealed that the balance sheet of the bank is still strong with stable credit quality and healthy liquidity, according to the statement. After a successful rights issue two months ago back in November 2019, the…
A digital transformation of the Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank (ADIB) branch network in the United Arab Emirates is underway as it invests in new services and products for clients who are increasingly digital-savvy. The bank is hoping to expand its customer base and increase efficiency, according to ADIB’s head of global retail banking Philip King. In an interview with the National in Abu Dhabi, King stated that an overhaul of the network and the creation…
Samsung is continuing to enhance the mobile payment experience for customers in the United Arab Emirates via a new collaboration with Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank and First Abu Dhabi Bank. The collaboration will see the banks given access to the leading digital wallet and digital payment solution Samsung Pay. The partnership with the two new issuers will see the partnership ecosystem of Samsung Pay extended to provide even more access, choice and flexibility to customers…
One of the leading financial institutions in the United Arab Emirates, Mashreq, announced on Wednesday that it will be launching a new credit card known as the Mashreq Cashback Credit Card. The Mashreq Cashback Credit Card is being launched via the Visa Platinum Platform, and it will be the only such card to reward cardholders with unlimited 5% cashback on dining, 1% on domestic purchases, and 2% on international purchases. There will also be no…
The Emirates Islamic Flex Credit Card comes with a large array of options to provide both flexibility and convenience to its users. The credit card is intended to give customers something they have never previously seen by offering exclusive benefits for all aspects of their lives. Among the highlights of this card is the fact that it comes with no annual fee and that there are also no charges incurred for any card replacements that…
Credit cards offer users a great deal of flexibility in allowing them to purchase items without paying cash at the time because they can pay the bill at a later date. These benefits can be extended by cardholders to immediate family members in the United Arab Emirates if they choose the option of adding supplementary cards to their existing primary credit card. Supplementary credit cards are essentially extra credit cards that are issued under the…
The growth of a business can be promoted by ownership of the Emirates Islamic Business Credit Card. A large array of exclusive rewards and benefits are offered to users of this business credit card. The Emirates Islamic Business Credit Card’s primary attributes are convenience, flexibility, security and value in order to ensure that the business expenses of cardholders are well managed and that they receive fair rewards for their transactions. Among the highlights of this…